
Damien Miles-Paulson teaches slow dancing, writes (mostly gibberish these days), and still dreams of an overseas basketball career. He is a founding member of the now-disbanded experimental German noise band, Flu Shot.  His stories, poems, and sounds can be found at The Whole Beast Rag, The Washington Square Review, theNewerYork, Alice Blue Review, Marco Polo Arts Mag, Everyday GeniusPast-Ten, Axolotl and The Alarmist.  He obtained an MFA in Creative Writing from UCR. He is currently getting a Master of Arts in Teaching at the University of Portland and will soon be a high school English teacher, a fact that surprises and frightens his past self.


the alarmist

Stories from a Broken Pact,” The Washington Square Review #32

On Drones,” Whole Beast Rag # 6: Idol

The Contributors” and “Places to Shit During AWP Seattle” and “An Excerpt From Although I Haven’t Seen Bergman’s Scenes From A Marriage,” theNewerYork

La Mancha,” Alice Blue #23

A Year on the Beach in Afghanistan,” Marco Polo Arts Mag

May First in Mae Sot,” Everyday Genius

“The Art Dealer At His Home In Seminyak,” Axolotl

“The North Korean Poet At The Literary Conference,” Axolotl

Memories of Borders,” The Alarmist #5

July 26th, 2007,” Past-Ten


Stalker EP

Adentro Karen State EP

Flu Shot

theNewerYork Literary Madhouse Short Film



“The nonconformist as seen by Morelli [through Julio Cortazar, with some elision]…moves within the lowest and the highest of frequencies, deliberately disdaining those in between, that is to say, the current band of the human spiritual mass…he tries to turn his back on them; too inept to join those who struggle for their liquidation, he thinks therefore that this liquidation is probably a mere substitute for something else equally partial and intolerable, he moves off shrugging his shoulders…the fact that he finds happiness in the trivial, in the puerile…indicates a lamentable impoverishment…on the level of day-to-day act, the attitude of Morelli’s nonconformist is translated into his refusal of everything that smells like an accepted idea, tradition, a gregarious structure based on fear and falsely reciprocal advantages…not a misanthrope, but merely accepts from men and women that part which has not been plasticized by the social superstructure; he himself is afraid of his body’s getting stuck in the mold…but this knowledge is active and not resignation…with his free hand he slaps his own face for most of the day, and in spare moments he slaps the faces of others, and they pay him back in triplicate…he spends his time, therefore, in monstrous rows brought on by lovers, friends, creditors, and officials, and in the few moments he has left he makes use of his freedom in a way that startles everyone else and always ends up in small ridiculous catastrophes, measured against himself and his attainable ambitions; another more secret and evasive freedom works on him, but only he (and then just barely) is conscious of its movements…”
